demi's blog!

your perception is a lie

The way you see things determines the way you approach things. If you view an area in a negative light, every event that happens in that area will be filtered through that bias.

This isn't a bad thing per se. But, it can be problematic if you find yourself viewing everything as negative. There's a high chance that your perception is indeed, a lie.

The only way you can change your perception is to put yourself in the place where it came. You need enough experiences that counter your existing perception so that you can let it go.

Ironically, once a bad perception is setup, it becomes hard to return to that place due to it. This creates a self-fulfilling cycle. If you believe yourself to be a failure, you're generally going to attract situations that reinforce that idea. Confirmation bias.

Try adopting an open mind, by questioning your perception. Do people really suck, or are you categorising a group of people by a loud minority? Are you lonely, or is your mind not used to peace and quiet?