demi's blog!

why i don't like rest

In the past, my neutral state was work. I'm generally "doing" things even if there's nothing to be done.

That part of me still exists. In my head, rest is something that comes after hard work. It's something that is earned, rather than something that is part of life. My relationship with rest is incredibly faulty for this reason.

How many of us think that rest is something that we work for? How many of us think that rest is optional? Whilst my current perception towards rest may not be ideal, I believe that rest is important and it's part of the journey, not the reward of the journey.

I also believe that rest looks differently, to different people. For me, rest is time away from social media, time away from the blue screens. Time to read my own books physically, partake in hobbies that aren't based online. Rest is analog.

I wish I took action on this and realised that I feel the best about myself when I'm not in front of a blue screen.