demi's blog!

what to do when you desire nothing

I've felt like I have nothing to live for. Nothing worth pursuing, nothing worth grabbing. And it sucks. Because everyday feels like a waste. No direction, no path, no identity.

I can't really bully myself into finding an arbitrary desire. That's not really how this works. But perhaps the things I thought I want (money, friends, attention, fame) aren't the things I truly want. That's probably where the disconnect is.

No one really talks about the stage in life where you meet what your current version of yourself is happy with. I could install other desires that society keeps pushing i.e. making more money, developing more friendships. But I am happy as I am!

I think it's actually quite freeing. There doesn't always need to be something to chase to make life worth living. Life doesn't have to be a cycle of setting and reaching goals. It can just, be!