demi's blog!

keep it simple, stupid.

I'm so obsessed with complexity. Having different moving parts to a solution sounds more exciting than solving it with one part.


Why has society conditioned us into thinking that complexity is essential for growth? Why can't we appreciate simplicity?

I imagine it's to do with our perception that simple things == easy. Thus, we see complexity as difficulty, and seek complexity to make our work feel more important.

If anything, simple solutions are actually much harder to come up with.

It's easy to add onto things. It's harder to remove. Writing taught me the importance of being concise, and using fewer, but simpler words. From using big adjectives and similes in GCSE English Literature to using more simplistic language, 'twas a pretty big shift.

We would all benefit from keeping it simple, stupid. This is a design principle, to avoid unnecessary details when it comes to designing technology. Talk less coding it. Don't get me started on how much CS students love to over-engineer their solutions.

Not to mention how hard it is to market anything to them. Many tech solutions are received with "well, I could build this in a weekend, so actually I won't pay £5 a month for this." It's funny to watch.

Anyway, I'm learning to focus on simplicity a lot more, especially as I'm starting to take a step into entrepreneurship. But in general, simple is better. Only add things that are essential.

I'm about to get so silly on this blog. I wrote this post on the same day I created this blog with the first post. WAOW!