demi's blog!

cutting people off

The cutting off culture we have in Gen Z kinda sucks. It has it's pros, especially for people in toxic friendships. I personally found it helpful in that era of my life.

But nowadays, it's been taken to an extreme. No one wants to have the hard conversations to actually allow a friendship to develop. Everyone's quite to find reasons to cut someone off. If you're looking for reasons to prove something, you will always find them.

Outside of this, we have people pushing the notion of ghosting people, which was painted in this whole "they should know better" facade, but it's generally an immature move. Communication is important, even when the other person doesn't respect it.

Many people say they want community, but they actually just want access to people they can use and abuse. They know that person X is not someone they would consider a friend, or even an acquaintance, but they keep the bridge open just incase.

It's RUDE. "Don't burn bridges" is not an excuse to keep bridges alive for your own self benefit. It's not fair on the other person. It's much better to burn bridges you don't want than to keep them for a hypothetical future. Imagine how you would feel if people only kept their access to you because they found you useful?

Not fun guys!